Upgrade to WordPress 2.8 and Lightbox

Very fast affair through the admin interface ! Unfortunately it broke my lightbox jQuery implementation. I did manage to get it working again by using this lightbox 0.5 version and adding

jQuery("a[rel*='lightbox']").lightBox(); // Select all links that contains lightbox in the attribute rel

to my js init script. I might take another look at it soon, to get the other one working again as that was a bit better with grouping support…

Not quite sure what’s better about 2.8, I hope the mysterious WEBSTAT iframe injections will be gone, as that was a PITA with 2.7.1.

UPDATE: Managed to get this plugin to work. Edit the mainplugin php a bit as it’s no longer needed to de_queue the default jquery script. WP 2.8 comes out of the box with jQuery 1.3.2.

So this is what it looks like:

wp_enqueue_script('jquery-lightbox', $path.'jquery.lightbox.min.js', array('jquery'), '1.3.2');
wp_enqueue_script('jquery-lightbox-plugin', $path.'jquery.lightbox.plugin.min.js', array('jquery', 'jquery-lightbox'), '1.0');
optical amplifier

WordPress 2.7

Just updated the blog to WordPress 2.7 ! One down, two more blogs to go ;). Didn’t really expect anything spectacular, as I haven’t followed the wordpress developments lately, but I was i for a nice surpise ! The new admin area looks and feels a whole lot better.

If you want a preview, check out the wordpress blog that discusses the new interface. I am sure if you use blogsearch.google, you’ll find a lot more opinions. And ofcourse the release blog post.

The new post screen is better, nice colors (light grey and blue) and all options are easier to access. Only needs a bit to get used to, for example the tags inputbox on the right.

Only thing I don’t quite like is the settings ‘tab’, for lack of a better term. I liked it better when it was in the upper right instead of all the way down left now. Ah well, always something :).

WordPress 2.5 Gallery

Unfortunately this new feature doesn’t seem to work properly. First of all I had to make some changes to the .htaccess file on my blog to make the upload and crunching stuff work. Found that out after some digging in the wordpress forums. I can now see that the images are on my server, but they don’t show in the gallery anywhere. Not in the admin interface and not in blogposts :(. The paths to the images are very weird, so I think that’s why they don’t show up.

As I really had a few pictures to show, I decided to go with NextGEN gallery which worked fine. The upload images as one big zip file is very handy and as you can see in the link below, the gallery works wonderfully well.

Wowblog, Pics from this weekend

WordPress 2.5

WordPress 2.5 has been released ! I upgraded my blogs to 2.5 and it seems to work fine. The admin part of wordpress has been overhauled, and the dashboard is now actually more useful. Although it takes some getting used to. The 4 most important functions (write, manage, design, comments) are more prominent and are displayed on the left, settings and plugings, users are on the right in a smaller font on the right. Only thing I dont like is the new write post page, the category selection is now below the write area, don’t really see why that was changed, though it’s not a big deal. At least it looks better.

I also think that wordpress 2.5 feels somewhat snappier, when loading pages etc. and on one blog (my warcraft one) a php out of memory that sometimes occured, has disappeared, so that’s good ;).

All in all a very nice upgrade I think. If you haven’t done so you might want to consider upgrading your wordpress installation as well !


Comparison between 2.3 and 2.5

WordPress 2.2

The new wordpress version is out. Upgrading was a painless affair, except for the fact that FileZilla skipped two files (wp-login.php and one other) so I couldn’t log on to the blog anymore. But that was easily fixed by uploading those 2 files seperately. The Template only broke in the bottom part, the links were suddenly also showing ratings (all 0 since that feature isn’t turned on). Changing a true to false in the get_links call fixed that. Though I thought that was very odd, dont know why that creeped up after the upgrade to 2.2. Now I am off, checking what else 2.2 has to offer ;).

WordPress Upgrade

Although I havent posted much lately (‘whats wrong with me, I dont have much to say’) decided to upgrade the blog + the K2 theme. Well quite a bit of work, especially since filezilla, the ftp client I use decided to not completely transfer all files. Anyway, I dont see a lot of difference, so that makes me wonder why I even bothered :). Oh I am sure this version is ‘more secure’. Haha