Lost 5×13 – Some like it Hoth

A very entertaining episode this week. A bit different from the few previous ones as it had a somewhat lighter tone. This one tells the story of Miles. It turns out that it was true what most people were already expecting: Miles is indeed the son of the Dharma Initiative video man Chang.


At some point, early in his life, Chang sent Miles and his mother off to the main land though, and never saw him again. We haven’t seen how this went down, maybe he saw the impending doom coming down the road or something else was up and thought it was safer to send them away ? The final scene was quite touching, even Miles got a bit teary eyed, where Chang was reading a story to his son.


The scenes with Hurley and Miles in the van were very funny. It’s funny that Hurley thinks he has some sort of similar gift as Miles does. “You’re just jealous that my gift is better than yours” was hilarious.

In his review of this episode, Alan Sepinwall asks what would you do to improve "Empire Strikes Back", as it is already so good. Well maybe we have been watching the Hurley improved ‘Empire’ all this time :).

Lost 5×12 – Dead is Dead

An excellent episode this week ! This was basically the story of Ben and how he deals with his guilt over being responsible for the killing of Alex. In the flashbacks we learned that his fight with Widmore is based around him not killing Alex when they found Rousseau. And he didn’t kill Rousseau either. It’s clear by now that neither of them are very ‘good’ guys to be honest. Widmore gets tossed off the island for having off-island affairs (a business, a wife and a daughter)

Every time you hear whispers, you run the other way !

Locke was especially funny this episode. Apparently relieved to be living again, he has a somewhat more relaxed attitude and appears to be more lighthearted. My favorite quote when Ben says he couldn’t let John be killed (again) : “No sense in me dieing twice, right ?”. There is something about those shoes by the way, that’s why we got the scene with him putting on his shoes on the dock.

lost-5x12aAnd of course the “now you know what it’s like to be me” exchange with Ben was brilliant.

I guess I wasn’t the only one cheering for Desmond when he smacked Ben around. Ben didn’t seem too confident when he was going after Penny. I especially liked the look on his face when Charlie showed up. That’s when he had second thoughts and Desmond was able to get him. The “your father is a terrible human being” was a bit odd, coming from a cold blooded killer, but I guess Alex was one of the few things he really cared about. Still Ben tells Sun that ‘he’s sorry’. It isn’t clear at this point why ? Or is it for shooting him ?


The ‘judgment scene’ was very well done. Ben got to see images from the past and eventually ‘it let Ben live’, accompanied by the usual Smoke Monster sounds. I assume Alex in the moments thereafter was another one of those ‘island dead people manifestations’ of the likes of Christian Sheppard. It was very clear about Ben having to follow Locke and especially not kill him again.

Loved the look on Ben’s face when he told Locke “it let me live” ! Very well done Michael Emerson ;).

The Transmission

What’s Alan Watching

Lost 5×11 – Whatever Happened, Happened

A Kate centric episode this time, and I usually don’t really care for those. But this one was decent. Some great quotes and a few very interesting scenes. The story how and why Kate returned to the island was told, along with some more info.

Time isn’t a straight line for us anymore !


The scenes with Myles and Hurley were very amusing. Hurley playing the role of the general lost audience who are now a bit confused about the whole time traveling thing. Neither Hurley nor Myles seemed to have definite answers, even though Myles at first thought he did ;). The title referred to this part of the show as well. Apparently this is the way Ben was supposed to become the leader of the others, just like Jack wasn’t supposed to operate on him this time around. Juliet didn’t get that memo yet though :).

Maybe there is something THEY can do…

Alpert about reviving / saving Ben: his innocence will be gone and he will always be one of us. What does that mean ? Are the others like undead people ? Zombies ? Why did they insist on getting that body from that guy that was shot a bunch of episodes ago ? Sounds a bit like voodoo at the moment, hope this will be revealed shortly !


Don’t have much to comment on Kate’s story. Seems to be pretty straightforward, although she cared more for Sawyer than I thought she did.

Last scene with Locke sitting next to Ben’s bed was wonderful: Hi Ben, welcome back to the land of the living !

Lost 5×10 – He’s our you

A Sayid centric episode this time. Actually it couldn’t have been more Sayid centric if it wanted to. The episode fills most of the gaps of his story. What happened to him once he got back from the island and how he got back again. All the flashbacks didn’t make it a very fluent episode, it felt more like a bunch of outtakes stitched together, but it had some nice and interesting moments nevertheless.

A twelve year old Ben Linus brought me a chicken sandwhich !
How do you think I am doing ?


What we learned this episode:

  • Sayid has always been a remorseless killer (or at least that’s what I got from the silly ‘chicken scene’).
  • Sayid was dragged back to the island by someone who works for someone else (Widmore ? Ben via a proxy ?) and was miraculously on the plain that crashed on their way to Guam
  • Ben used lies and more lies about Locke’s death in order to get a grip on Sayid again.
  • The people Sayid has been killing were working for Widmore and Ben claims they were a threat to ‘Sayid’s friends’

Those are the main points I can think off while writing this.

Does anyone actually believe Ben is dead ? We all know by now that the island doesn’t let people die when their time isn’t up yet. I am more interested at the moment what exactly Ben’s plan / agenda is. He seems to be working on his own now (or he might think for the island), but I have no idea what it is that he is up to. That’s puzzling me at the moment ;).


What’s Alan Watching ?

Also check out Jay and Jack’s new video website : nudia.tv

TvSquad review

Lost – 5×09 Namaste

An enjoyable episode again, it continued where LaFleur ended. We swap back and forth between the ’77 crew and the plane crashers (this is getting confusing).

Lapidas: This guy is dangerous ! That boat I came in on, was filled with commandos just to kill him !
Ben: And how did that work out for everyone ?

Kate coming back to the island must make Juliet feel uncomfortable, and I guess that’s why she is initially off the list of new recruits, but I guess she changes her mind and some to the rescue in the end.


Seeing young Ben and baby Ethan was funny, though to be expected. Young Ben already seems to be eager to know about the Hostiles. We’ll see what plan Sawyer has to break out Sayid.

Only thing that was odd was Sun not going back to ‘77. I guess she wasn’t meant to be back on the island. Jin gets all upset and gives away his cover (or at least makes him very suspicious) by frantically go search for the plane, which of course didn’t crash in his timeline. I loved the picture of the class of ‘77 being shown to Sun by Christian Shephard. It was scary seeing him appear in the abandoned Darhma village. Wonder what the journey will be he is referring to, I am sure we’ll see in the upcoming episodes !

What’s Alan watching

Lost 5×08 – LaFleur


This week’s episode of Lost was very enjoyable. Nothing out of the ordinary, nothing mind numbing, just a nice story ! As Ryan of the transmission put it:

Tonight we get an episode that not only spans three years, but jumps back and forth relentlessly. It played games with our expectations, and it gave us even more new characters. But somehow it worked. It had heart. It had velocity.

To be honest I don’t have much to add to that, there aren’t that many questions or answers in this one. We just got to see how our islanders became a member of Dharma around 1974, and then spend 3 years waiting for Jack and the others to come back. I wonder how and when they will get back to ‘our time’ or Locke’s time again though, I assume we will learn in the latter parts of this season ? We get a two week break now, but no major cliffhanger this time. Definately looking forward to the rest of the season !



The Transmission

TV Squad


Lost 5×07 – The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham


A Locke centric episode, about the time Locke spend off the island, trying to convince the Oceanic Six to return. I was very much looking forward to this one, as I think Locke is the most interesting character on the show, very well acted out by Terry O’Quinn. And I wasn’t disappointed ! Though it was different from what I expected, it was a great story. Not much to say here, the story was pretty self explanatory.

Continue reading Lost 5×07 – The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham