Death of a fellow MMORPG player

How come everytime I read about a fellow mmorpg player dies, that I dont even know, it makes me very sad ? I just updated my podcast feed of the Instance and noticed a special episode for Bruce Galloway aka Milliway in game. I have never met him, but reading about him, he was a wonderful helpful person.

From A Shadow Rose – Very nice post on

Why do I, a thirty-seven year old man, play a computer game like World of Warcraft? What blatant justification could there possibly be for anyone to sit for hours in front of a computer screen and immerse themselves into a fantasy world of RP and, at least for a time, forget about his RL? I can give you one such answer: Bruce Galloway.

The instance – Rest in peace Bruce Galloway

Screenshots of the ingame funeral


The lifehacker has a very nice post on how to get more out of Launchy. In case you don’t know what Launchy is:

Launchy is a free windows utility designed to help you forget about your start menu, the icons on your desktop, and even your file manager.

Launchy indexes the programs in your start menu and can launch your documents, project files, folders, and bookmarks with just a few keystrokes! Take Launchy beyond application launching
Launchy :

Civ IV: Beyond The Sword

The new civilization IV: Beyond the sword expansion is coming soon. In preparation I played a few games of Civ IV warlords again and I must say, it’s still very good. Beyond the swords will add a lot of nice new features. Especially the corporations and improved new AI sounds good. I preordered my copy from, and it’s usually delivered around the official release date.

Civfanatics – Excellent site with a load of information and a great forum
Beyond the sword – Official site
** UPDATE **
A very nice history and an interview can be found at Gamasutra