2024 Gaming Highlights: Old Favorites and New Discoveries

This blogpost has been in the back of my mind since December 2024, for some reason now, more than 3 months later I decided to pen it down! Anyway, what I played in 2024 were mainly ‘older’ games. The steam replay for 2024 even mentioned this, only 8% of gametime was spent on new releases. What were those release you might ask, well some Tales and Tactic, Deep rock galactic and Last Flame. Some auto battles and Vampire Survivor likes.

The older games I played were a lot of Warcraft and Elder Scroll Online, and of course Oxygen Not Included. They released two content dlcs the past year that I enjoyed a lot.

ESO had a big chapter as they call their expansion, but it might have been the last one as they are now moving over to smaller but more frequent content patches. I had a lot of fun with Gold Road and the new West Weald zone. It was very crowded the first few months, then it started to quiet down a little. But there were also a lot of 10th year anniversary events that brought back a lot of players, even in the usually desolate areas, you ran into players. It was wild!

Morph looking over the new Main City in The War Within, durnogal
Morph looking over the new Main City in The War Within, Durnogal

In Warcraft I played some of the Dragonflight expansion and of course the new one, the War Within that was released in august. The delves were the main new dungeon type instances that were added. And they’re pretty fun, but there being only 8 (and now 2 more after a recent content patch) they’ve grown a little stale. I expect to play wow a bit less now, i’ve seen most of the war within and the recent content patches weren’t that great, so I’ll just level up some characters to 80 and do some of the sidequests I haven’t done yet, waiting for the next DLC.

Vulcanis Space Age

In October the much awaited dlc for Factorio arrived! Space age! And it was even better than I expected. I should really dedicate a separate post to that. It was pretty much all I played for a few months and managed to even finish it. The dlc added some new game elements, like quality and elevated train tracks, but also as the new suggests, space travel and a few new planets to conquer. It’s definitely one of the best epansions of any game I played!

So that was about it for 2024. There isn’t anything in particular I am looking forward to for this year, currently I am playing some Hogwarts’s legacy, which I picked up for cheap and two point museum! Actually a new game :).

Skilgraad ESO West Weald
ESO Skilgraad, West Weald