Spiritfarer - Gwen

My Games of 2020

Instead of posting this at the end of the year, or as of now, the start of a new one, I should just make a post when I am really enjoying, or have enjoyed a game. My new year’s resolution will be to do just that I guess this ;). Or at least try to.

Anyway, I’ll mention a few games that kept me busy in 2020. And what stood out for me.

Animal Crossings New Horizon

This was probably the game I put the most hours in, in 2020. Especially the start was a lot of fun. Getting a bigger house, more animals living on the island. Decorating the place … etc. Then it got a little stale and the events so far were not much to write home about. I still check in every now and then though, but it lost the initial sense of wonder. Maybe a future expansion or DLC can breathe some new life into it.

New Year’s eve in Animal Crossing
Fishing in Animal Crossing. I cough a large Sunfish :).

Snow Runner

I was watching a few streamers on Twitch play this and wondered what the fun was in this game and it seemed like an annoying version of Euro truck sim, but once I tried it myself, I really got into this. It’s a lof of fun, especially unlocking new trucks and new equipment for your trucks. Although I enjoyed the initial maps more than the later (Russian and Alaska) ones.

I haven’t checked out too much of the new ones released later in the year, but what I saw so far, they tried to add some new gameplay elements, which is nice.

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Basically I have too many interests. I like to read, play PC games (ESO, wow and various builder / factory type games), watch movies, listen to music, and tweak PC's, browse the web and read news on X and hang out on twitch and discord. My dayjob is Software Engineer!

One thought on “My Games of 2020”

  1. Have to agree with Spiritfarer. Wonderful game, emotional and solid gameplay.

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