2017 In Gaming – PC Gaming

Here we go, the final article about 2017, after this I’ll be looking forward into the bright future :). Let’s kick off by a list of games I actually played the most last year.

  • Factorio 0.15
  • Rimworld
  • Hitman
  • Wow – LEGION

Maybe you can spot a trend here, these are all older games that have received updates or content last year.

Spaghetti Base in Factorio
Spaghetti Base in Factorio

Factorio is now one my most played games (after wow). It was excellent before 0.15, but the end game changed so much with the 0.15 update. You no longer need alien science any more, that was dropped by the alien creature in the game, but was replaced by something you could make yourself. The game overall just got a lot better and better longevity with updates 0.15 and 0.16 (on going now, I assume we’ll see a release this year).

Rimworld is just about the same story, it had two updates last year (A17 and B18, though A16 was released just before the start of 2017) and improved quite a bit. Also mods and addons can make it even better, countless hours of fun, mayhem and frustration to be had here ;). It will probably see a release this year.

Mayhem in Rimworld

I kind of missed Hitman release in 2016, and got it on a special deal in 2017 and wow, especially the first few scenarios are so good. I got immersed in it around april and may and played so much. Then it started to fade a little. The new episodes arent as good as the first few ones. Hitman is now independent of Square Enix and new content might appear this year.

World of Warcraft – Legion. Even after 13 years WoW is still going strong. Somehow Blizzard got it right with this expansion, I kept playing throughout without getting bored of the repetitive world quests, and of course raising alts. This year we’ll get a new expansion, very much looking forward to that.

There were many other (real) 2017 releases though. Here’s some lists I made, kicking off with some games that had a Part II or DLC or expansions past year.

  • Crusader Kings II DLC
  • Total Warhammer II
  • Starcraft Remastered
  • Elder Scrolls Online : Morrowwind

Here’s a brief list of more games of 2017, in no particular order.

Indie games

  • Oxygen Not Included (still in early access, great updates)
  • Yonder
  • Holy Potatoes! We’re in Space?!
  • Cat Quest
  • Night in the Woods
  • Airport CEO (still in early access)
  • The signal from Tolva
  • Pyre
  • Mashinky
Stellaris Screenshot

4X games (in space)

  • Endless Space 2
  • Galactic Civilizations III – Crusader DLC improved the game a lot
  • Stellaris DLC
  • Heart of Iron IV

Old school RPG types

  • Torment: Tides of Numenera
  • Divinity Original Sin 2
  • Tyranny

Some sites even pronounced Divinity game of the year ! I haven’t even bought it yet. It’s quite big, maybe when it’s on sale at some point, I’ll buy it and hopefully find some time to try it. I did get Tyranny and made a little start, as apparently it’s a shorter game, and that’s a plus in my book these days.

Last but not least, racing games, all very good imho :


  • Dirt 4
  • F1 2017
  • Project Cars 2

Project Cars 2

Dirt 4 is very hard to be honest. Love PC2 ! Haven’t played F1 2017 too much but it’s one of the best rated games on metacritic for 2017.


Dawn of War wasn’t a bad game, but it didnt quite bring what I had hoped, and the campaign got a little boring after a few missions. Never even bothered with the mulitplayer, even though that was a big focus of the game. NBA 2K18 was quite good, hampered by Lootboxes and p2w schemes :(. Will never buy another game from this franchise again.

Last game on the list is War of the Chosen. This was my most anticipated game of 2017, and it fell a little short. I played a few missions and it just didn’t grab me. Also the chosen themselves didn’t really appeal to me, making this a bit disappointing.  With all the changes it might as well have been Xcom 3 by the way. It has positive reviews on Steam and Metacritic, so I am probably wrong here. Maybe I’ll go back someday to Xcom 2 and enjoy this one better.

Think I’ll end here. I am glad I finally got all of this out of the way, and I can now focus on things not from the past but of the current times and/or future :).

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Basically I have too many interests. I like to read, play PC games (ESO, wow and various builder / factory type games), watch movies, listen to music, and tweak PC's, browse the web and read news on X and hang out on twitch and discord. My dayjob is Software Engineer!

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