Lost 5×08 – LaFleur


This week’s episode of Lost was very enjoyable. Nothing out of the ordinary, nothing mind numbing, just a nice story ! As Ryan of the transmission put it:

Tonight we get an episode that not only spans three years, but jumps back and forth relentlessly. It played games with our expectations, and it gave us even more new characters. But somehow it worked. It had heart. It had velocity.

To be honest I don’t have much to add to that, there aren’t that many questions or answers in this one. We just got to see how our islanders became a member of Dharma around 1974, and then spend 3 years waiting for Jack and the others to come back. I wonder how and when they will get back to ‘our time’ or Locke’s time again though, I assume we will learn in the latter parts of this season ? We get a two week break now, but no major cliffhanger this time. Definately looking forward to the rest of the season !



The Transmission

TV Squad


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Basically I have too many interests. I like to read, play PC games (ESO, wow and various builder / factory type games), watch movies, listen to music, and tweak PC's, browse the web and read news on X and hang out on twitch and discord. My dayjob is Software Engineer!