Lost 4×11 – Cabin Fever


A decent episode this week. Though not as great as I was expecting it to be, with so much Locke, Ben and Hurley, I expected more. Not all that much happened on their trip to the cabin. Locke had another dream, which helped him to find a map, which led to the cabin.

There are consequences to being chosen. Because destiny, John, is a fickle bitch.

The scene inside the cabin with Christian Sheppard and Claire was very odd. First thing I thought was, that we can now assume, Claire is dead as well, since she’s hanging out with her dead father, and even appeared to be happy about it. We still have no clue how Christian Sheppard is connected to Jacob / the island, but apparently he can speak on Jacob’s behalf, and tells Locke to ‘move the island’.

Meanwhile on the ship, the relentless soldier Keamy is getting ready to ‘torch the place’. I am assuming Frank the pilot will come up with some sort of plan to not let that happen. He already dropped the telephone so they can be found at the beach camp. We also got to see how the doctor ended up in the water with his throat slit.


The Locke flashbacks were nice to see. Mr. Eyeliner had already a keen eye on him even when he was just a boy (making paintings of the smoke monster).  He didn’t pass Alpert’s test though, when he choose the knife over the other items. Items he already owned ? I was thinking about reincarnation when I heard that and from what I read elsewhere this test is also done to determine the Dalai Lama, so we got a bit of buddism in there as well.

We also see the lawyer, Abbadon that visited Hurley earlier come to Locke later in his life when he got paralysed. This time he was disguised as an orderly, putting the idea of a walkabout in his head.

Locke was destined somehow to save the island, even when he was just born, as baby, the island didn’t allow him to die.

Ben and Hurley sharing an apollo bar

Nice thoughts / synopsis at sepinwall.blogspot.com
and ofcourse at the transmission.

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