Just watched the final BSG episode of season 3 and it’s ending sure surprised me ;). And I am sure I am not an exception. It was suggested that the person you’d least expect to be a Cylon, col. Tigh, was in fact one of the final five. Also didn’t expect Baltar to be found not guilty. The testimony by Felix was very odd. Apparently he still had an axe to grind with Baltar.
And why didnt we expect Tigh to be a Cylon ? Because it goes against everything previously stated in the show and in interviews with Ronald D. Moore. In the interview (link below) RDM states that the writers just came up with this ‘plot twist’ halfway through this season. This just hints at very sloppy writing and makes one of the fundamental plots in the show seem like an afterthought. In the interview it is simply explained away with ‘Oh but they’re fundamentally different Cylons‘. Yeah right . I guess they came up with this concept halfway through the season as well. Found a good blogpost here and Alan Light’s rant in his latest podcast is pretty clear about it ;).
My take on the whole thing, how it will end up, is that the ‘final 5’ cylons are a whole different type of breed from the regular ones we have seen so far and have a different agenda and want to live with what’s left of the human race. Somewhere in time they split from the cylons we know and these other cylons are very different in character than our regular cylons. I assume Starbuck to be no. 5, who will lead our gang of ships to earth. Unfortunately we’ll have to wait until january to see what happens next :(. How cruel !
Interesting links:
Interview with Ronald D. Moore
Alan Light, Combat information center, very nice podcast and forum
Screenshots taken from bsgmedia.com.