Dead at Archive.Org

Earlier this week, Grateful Dead’s management asked to stop making the Grateful Dead shows they have, available for download. The Dead have always been kind to tapers, having tapers section for audience recording at their shows and encouraging tape trading amongst their fans. So this came as a big surprise, and resulted in an outcry amongst fans. Apparently a compromise has been reached and the audience recordings will be back at There is a statement now at their site. Another nice article at the NY times site that sums up the events. David Gans is making some interesting comments on his blog.

Phil Lesh responded on his site with this statement:

An Announcement from Phil Lesh:

It was brought to my attention that all of the Grateful Dead shows were taken down from right before Thanksgiving. I was not part of this decision making process and was not notified that the shows were to be pulled. I do feel that the music is the Grateful Dead’s legacy and I hope that one way or another all of it is available for those who want it . I have enjoyed using and found it invaluable during the writing of my book. I found myself being pulled back in time listening to old Grateful Dead shows while giggling with glee or feeling that ache in my heart listening to Jerry’s poetic guitar and sweet voice.

We are musicians not businessmen and have made good and bad decisions on our journey. We do love and care about our community as you helped us make the music. We could not have made this kind of music without you as you allowed us to play “without a net”. Your love, trust and patience made it possible for us to try again the next show when we couldn’t get that magic carpet off the ground. Your concerns have been heard and I am sure are being respectfully addressed.

Also you might want to read this column on the NY Times site. Got the link from the Gans site. It’s very nice.

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Basically I have too many interests. I like to read, play PC games (ESO, wow and various builder / factory type games), watch movies, listen to music, and tweak PC's, browse the web and read news on X and hang out on twitch and discord. My dayjob is Software Engineer!