I had never seen a Screener in my life, though a week or so ago, I was asked whether I wanted to write a review on my site for this new documentary DVD for my Dylan site. So last week I got my first screener ! I wrote the review last sunday, I thought it turned out pretty good. The dylan site is at http://www.bob-dylan.tk. The link was also on a big Dylan site, expectingrain.com today, so I got quite a few hits today. Unfortunaly for some part of the day the server that hosted the site had some sort of problem, and the site looked really weird, without the menus on the side and all the images were gone :(. Luckily a note to their helpdesk fixed the problem pretty quickly…
Dylan Screener
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Basically I have too many interests. I like to read, play PC games (ESO, wow and various builder / factory type games), watch movies, listen to music, and tweak PC's, browse the web and read news on X and hang out on twitch and discord. My dayjob is Software Engineer! View all posts by Eric